Sunday, February 20, 2022


 O Christmas! O Christmas! O Christmas!
O wonderful colorful season of elegant panoramas
Full of hope, full of joy, full of love, full of unity
Comes once but feels eternity

Hearts beating with the rhythm of the carol
Birds singing piercing melodies without control
Angels responding with thundering voices
Seraphim and cherubim join in with beaming faces

Atmosphere entice with glamour
Children spice with varied amour
Yet all vanish to return in slendour

Lamentation of a son

 My dearest Mama
O Ma!
If only tears could bring healing
Or erase the darkness of the past
Then the song would have been different
Song of joy ever will be

O life!
What a life
Full of memories
Hunting memories
Not easy to fend off

Time has gone thee by
Yet old memories seem just past
Like the mark of the unknown
Stamped everlasting on the skin
Constantly upsetting the mind
With so much guilt 
With so much regrets
Why why why
Why why why

Not once not twice 
I felt the whip of Ma
For foolish crimes of a stupid son
Crimes yet to be explained
Crimes yet to be justified
Though soft and tender words of Ma
All the time she committed
Cajoling, begging for a good son
Yet just fear and pain she got 
From a son who never compromised

O Ma!
O Ma!
My dear Ma
Regret is tearing a son apart

Yes a holy type I was not
A likable type I was neither
Love at first sight just a fairy tale
Tales of misfortune very real
The center of ill judgment I ever was
Present not present matters not
Yet that love for me never ceased to flow
As life just had to go on Ma

My words O My my judgment
My actions O Ma my condemnation
My laughter O Ma my treachery
My happiness O Ma my adversary
Solitary O Ma the option
Ah Ma! Your gentle breast my comfort always

Commonsense though very common
Commonness to me seems not exist
For with ease siblings excel
Knowledge and wisdom just illusions be
Harassment and insult so much they add
How I wished my past be deleted 
Yet never once you stopped encouraging

How can I forget the sleepless nights
How can I forget the painful nights
How can I forget the dreadful cries
How can I forget the fear in your eyes
When all deep in slumber be
All through the night "what is history" you defined
That "What is history" my name it became 

Appreciate thee Ma for the grace to endure
Appreciate thee Ma for the strength you gave
Appreciate thee Ma I chose not to depart
For now I know with the wind I drifted not
For a destination with precision you prepared
Across the river Ma that destination lies

O Ma!
O Ma!
My dear Ma
How I wish
The tears I caused never did occur
The pains I cause I never did
The embarrassment I caused never did happen
The silliness of me never did exist

Remember the gentleness in your tender voice
A hater of man never be my son
Songs of hate sing them not my son
Retribution seek thee not son
For choose to pray my dear son
My God my Lord your fortitude ever be my son

I know I can never you repay Ma
I know I can never you replace Ma
I know lamentation changes nothing Ma
Regrets I know changes nothing Ma
On bended knees to you I say sorry
For all I put you through O Ma I say sorry
Accept the cry of a helpless son Ma
My love for you will never die Ma

Dearest Daddy

 My dearest daddy
O! Daddy
Words can't express
The depth of love I have for you
How I wish you understand
For I know my love can't compare
That great love and sacrifices you made 
All through the thousand days

How amazing a father you are
How precious a daddy you are
A precious and perfect gift from the Heavens 

Thanks to the grace of the Most High
That grace He provided you
To guide, to protect, to raise me
As a Shepard protect his own

Nowhere in the world 
Have I ever felt safe
Other than in you precious arms

Your presence is always my strength
Your presence gives me hope
Your presence gives me joy
Your presence gives me lived

I remember the days of sleepless nights
All for my sake
I remember the days you wished to take my place
When I was sick and feeble
I remember the days you wandered in lost
When I was missing

O! Daddy
My dearest daddy
I know a prefect child I am not
I know many times I pushed you away
Yet that love me never ceased to flow
Abundance of love readily available

My provider you have always been
In times of distress you stood by me
When I was weary 
You gave me every reason to live

So now I sing for you
This song of love

Friday, December 18, 2020

Life! O life!

You know you love someone

When it is just too late

You know you missed someone

When it is just too late

You want to help someone

When it is just too late

You want to cherish someone

When it is just too late

 You know Someone means a lot

When it is just too late


Life! O life!

Full of Mystery

The eye is blinded to see the efforts

But wide open for the mistakes

The heart is closed to accept the humble

But open for the crafty

The mouth sing praises for the corrupt

But condemn the just

Many judge from what they see

But not from what they know

It hurts to be on the other side

But guess what!

The truth leads to a legacy

Saturday, May 2, 2020

My Friend My Boss

My Friend my Boss
My Boss my strength
All Praise and honor
To the heavens I give

Unto the heavens I give thanks
For unto me a guardian friend bestowed
The pride and the strength of my life he is
Ever drawing smiles on my face
Lifting my heart with too much praises.

They call him Names
I call him Boss
My Boss, my friend
How I wish you could understand
The fullness of joy in my live you brought
And how much of this joy I wish to return

So much you did
And so much you do
By His Grace I am who I am
Thanks to the man in you
A man of integrity
A man with a golden heart

In me you saw what many could not see
Though fresh from the four walls of varsity
Amateurish, empty, clueless and helpless
You opened wide that magical door

Yes! That great door
That door of light
That door of respect
That door of joy
That door of fame
That door of service

I remember the pains of rejection
The pains of distress I remember
Wondering the streets in lust I remember
The merciless scorching midday sun I will never forget
Searching and searching
Searching and cursing
Searching and crying
Searching For the means to survive

I remember that dreadful feeling of numerous snubs
I remember the boiling detestation of being disregarded
I remember the anguish of being turned down
I remember the numerous times I cursed myself
Yet I kept searching and searching and never stopped searching

Ho dear,
I will always remember
That faithful day
Walking through that door
Finding a man sitting in majesty
Behind that jam-packed desk
Staring straight
Right straight into my trembling eyes
No words spoken
No heads turn
Just staring
Staring at a helpless man
Standing in despair
With fabricated boldness
Wishing for a miracle

From the almighty comes life
Life He gives with joy
Happiness, love, peace, in abundance
Everlasting to everlasting to all mankind He gives
Bless Him I found you
For you made my life better

From the pit of despair there I was found
In the heart of depression, you lifted me up
Leading, guiding, molding, teaching, transforming

When I was wrong you scolded
When I was right you jubilated
My happiness your goal
In times of sadness you mourned with me
Above all oh dear
You gave me that secret
That secret to be a big fish in an even bigger water

What else do I have to say
What else do I have to do
To say thank you is an attitude
And to appreciate is divine

My Friend! My Boss

My Boss, my Strength
I salute you

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What Did I Do

I heard the voice of my friend calling;
I heard the voice of my friend crying;
I heard the voice of my friend begging for help;
And what did I do?

I saw my friend in misery;
I saw pain in his dark blue eyes;
I saw that beautiful clean clear color of his face diminishing;
And what did I do?

I saw my friend feeble and exhausted;
I saw my friend wasting;
I saw my friend a walking skeleton; 
And what did I do?

I saw my friend on a stretcher; 
I saw my friend struggling with the medics;
I saw my friend ferried from hospital;
And what did I do?

Then, I saw someone wearing a mask;
And behold, I saw the angels descending;
Only then, and only then, I knew what I did.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Silver Jubilee

Years of toiling by day by night
Up at dawn with minds so tight
Exhausting energy to make things right
Yet no sign of slowing down.

 Years of mind busting pressure
No time for indolent pleasure
Concentration replaces leisure
Yet no sign of slowing down.

 Many have come, many have gone
Much work still to be done
Never see on the face a frown
But still no sign of slowing down

Symbol of hard work and dedication
Patience is of high notation
Success the outcome of devotion
Twenty five years no sign of slowing down

Many years of service we pray

Courage, wisdom, strength display
End of time our dreams repay
Then at last time to slow down.